Sunday 4 March 2018

Thank you!

A big thank you to everyone who helped us get our school up and running after Cyclone Gita.
Together at Brooklyn is our motto, but I love that we live it!

Update on Room Sunflower

     Growing together2018  Room Sunflower

Dear parents / caregivers,
Time for an update on our term so far.

Well, it certainly has been eventful with Cyclone Gita putting a stop to our swimming activities for the foreseeable future and preventing us from enjoying our green spaces! Thank you to all of you for your support, in clearing our school, looking after children, baking etc, we really are so very fortunate to have such an amazing community of people all working together to get our school up and running again. Can I ask please that the children wear footwear to school to protect them from the lime and mud that is still around outside?

Our Literacy Rotations are up and running really well. The students are fully engaged in their activities. We will go to the town library in week 6 to get some new books to inspire us. Feel free to rotate books / comics from home, I will ask the children to bring home ones they have finished and we are accessing our school library weekly on a Monday morning.

The students have been assessed and given spellings to work on each week. Starting this week, they will write these down in a spelling notebook for them to practise at home, if possible.
In school we are working on them in a variety of ways:
·      writing them in sentences,
·      working on their meanings,
·      completing worksheets looking at their sounds
·      learning the rules that are associated with them
·      playing a variety of computer games designed to help them remember them on the STEPS programme
·      playing a board game using them with a teacher aide

I know the children and yourselves are very busy with many activities after school but reading regularly with your child and encouraging them to be independent learners, practising their spellings would be fantastic.

We have started a new topic this week. We are going on a Virtual Field Trip with the LEARNZ team! What this means is that the students will be following a group of scientists as they explore the marine environment on our doorstep, looking at the theme of Sustainable Seas. We will do lots of reading about the subjects covered, take part in online activities, watch videos and our class has been lucky enough to be selected to be a “speaking school” live on a web conference on Wednesday at 2pm, asking questions we have come up with, which will be broadcast around the country! We have sent an ambassador to represent us, “Aqua” the little blue penguin and he will have his own page that we can read and look at to feel fully involved. Here is the link for you to have a look at with your child at home.

An extra task the class thought would be fun to do is take on the Plastic Challenge. Follow this link:

Click on Why is plastic so bad for sea creatures? and watch the video to find out more.
Write down every time you use a piece of plastic for a whole day.

We will continue our inquiry into the marine environment up till Week 8, following the children’s passions and interests and the theme of healthy seas, healthy people. We then break for Easter and for the last 8 days of term Mr Andrews and Mr Kemp will be teaching Room Sunflower as I am on leave, the topic focus will be on the Commonwealth Games being held in Australia for those two weeks.

As always, feel free to contact me should you wish to discuss your child’s needs, my email is

Kind regards,

Kat Rayson